Tutorial for Captioning and Post "Wrap" in Blogger

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Here are instructions on how to make a professional looking caption under a photo on your blog. It is easy to do if you just copy and paste this formula into the blogger html. Look at the previous post to see where you access your "Edit Html" on blogger post page. Don't be intimidated by it as it is not as hard as it might seem.
After you plug in all the pictures you want from your photo account, like tiny pic or photobucket, etc (use the direct link option they provide) and choose the color of your caption, then write your post in the area indicated.
The post will look professional, neat and really nice.
Make use of your notepad too. It is a really good way to prevent errors.
If you paste the formula here into notepad then adjust the color of the caption to your liking, add your photo links and then write your post, you can then "select all" under "edit" hit control C
and then post onto blogger with control V. Voila.. done .
To save this from this page, left click on the formula image, it reopens in a new page. Go to file on top of the page, then 'save as' and save it where you can find it. You can put it into your photobucket account. But be sure to save it so you can copy and paste it into your blog.
The example below is made into a jpg so left click on it to open in a seperate window then copy the page.

Example of a finished product:

"Risque Photo of Lemon in Tub"

Here is the formula in action, complete with risque depiction of that fresh little squirt Lemon in her very own tub!! (Oh, the outrage of it all. What chutzpah the girl has! Is there no end to her freshness? I think not as she uses lovely smelling Cashmere Bouquet soap to wash each day.)
Now the more you type here the more the words will "wrap" around the photo in a nice way.
I suppose I could just type and type til it shows that, but if you look at the Lemon Lime Moon Blog you will see it constantly in action.
There are tons of methods you can use using html to make your blog look more professional or in my case like a circus on paper!
As I said the more you type the more you will wrap around.
Here is a link showing a magazine style I used on Lemon that you can use to make a blog interesting. It doesn't really work all that well and it's a real pain to implement changes to make it work too.

I only link it to show what html can do and really just to take up space so this will wrap around the photo in demostration. I am not Chatty Cathy really and am running out of filler here. I think this is enough. If you have more questions on this html method of photo captioning let me know and I will try to answer them for you .


  1. This was really nice of you to post

  2. thank you for working it out and taking the time to write it up
