Rainy Day

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It snowed yesterday for a long while without any serious accumulation and then in the late evening ice fell til early in the wee hours of the morning.
Now, its warmer and rain is falling and lot of gusty winds are blowing.
The Bay has been frozen for the past month. It's always strange to see salt water frozen over, but it does if its shallow enough.
I have seen people drive cars across the bay in the coldest winters. Crazy!! They ice skate on it in the very coldest years..or rather try since waves freeze over and its as bumpy as can be.
Dare Devils see how far out they can walk , some attempting to walk all the way to the barrier islands.
I will not be one of them I can assure you!

There was a funny headline in the Drudge report about a Congressional meeting about Global Warming being cancelled because of the ice storm in Washington.
Seems that in another place a showing of Al Gore's movie was also cancelled because of frigid weather. Funny.

I am working on animated figures right now and hope to add them to the page soon.
here is one sample of a bear based on a stuffed bear I own whose head seems to turn to one side and "peer" at you. I also found it easier to draw her sideways for some reason. I have since made some facing forward.

She is mouse drawn, meaning I draw it with my mouse using Photoshop.
Hope you like her.

And this are some of the emoticon girls I am drawing right now.

She will be part of a series.


  1. That's hilarious about the GW meeting canceled due to the weather. Dang global warming. You can't even have a little meeting because of it's effects. LOL

    PS: Very cute bear!!!

  2. Thanks Yo.
    Yup well they can't get things straight. Either its warming or cooling but they never know which.

  3. those animated bears look great and I bet they know more about the weather than gore does

  4. the bear is cute so is the doll.God bless.

  5. Great stuff! Have cars ever sunk when less than intelligent drivers try to drive across the bay?

  6. They probably have sunk Shygetz. I think I heard of something but will have to ask around.
