Snowing, Working, Keeping Busy

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Its snowing outside heavily right now.
Last week it was sunny and a bit warm, but now its freezing cold and a thick snow is falling on the cedars and pines.
The bay is still frozen over in spots.
I am working on some weather minis now for my blogs also. Later, after I get a bit better at them, perhaps I will put them up for others to use also.

Another header for the Lemon Blog that I made:

For Chanukah I added an animated menorah:

And this skating girl is new also:

I am off to make that little pot of hot coffee my body seems to crave right now.
Til next time thank you for coming and keep warm!


  1. both are lovely and remind you of how warm it is to be indoors on a cold winter's day

  2. Thank you for your comment *LOL*
    Just stopping by here before I head for work. Have a nice day!

  3. and after spending all day in the snow... I can really appreciate your header all the more

  4. Who is needink koffee to keep varem when you are beink able to buy already a pint kerosene and a match far a dollar twenty at Home Depot?
