Blustery Winds Bring all Kinds of Things into View

Monday, March 19, 2007

Its a cloudy cool day with signs of approaching spring in the air, that dampness you can feel as the earth moves closer to April.
March is the windy month. The saying goes, "In like a Lion, out like a Lamb" but the reverse is also true.
It has always seemed a volatile rough month to me as if the earth was caught in a vortex of change on its revolution around the sun. Trees blow and bend nearly touching the earth. Clouds skud across the sky at tremendous speed and tiny green shoots pop up from softening earth, but over it all are those chilly, blustery winds that stir up all kinds of things.

Speaking of revolving around the sun, there are some religious people who are declaring that this is a plot of some kind and that the earth does not revolve around the sun after all. I think they are throw backs to the belief of the time of Copernicus.
Unfortunately one of these people is Warren Chisholm chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the most powerful committee in the Texas House of Representatives who states that believing the earth revolves around the sun is a Jewish conspiracy. Sigh.
Does this kind of bigotry ever have an end? I feel sad for people like that who can't do much more than hate others.
It was thought in the middle ages that the earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around earth, which, was also thought to be flat.
Sailors imagined they would fall off the edge if they ventured out too far.
I don't think people in those times were stupid more so than we are today.
It was simply the belief.
I sometimes wonder which of our beliefs will be looked back on and chuckled at.

Til later.. I wish you all good things and sunshine in your heart.


  1. everything in the world to them is a jewish conspiracy

    since G-d made the world revolve around the sun and anti-semitism is really hatred of G-d...

  2. LOL - and in the meantime Chazal say that the sun revolves around the earth, whereas the Lubavitcher Rebbe supposedly (I can't find a source) reconciled everything by saying that the speed of the 2 bodies is so similar that it hardly matters which one revolves around which.

    So much for this being a Jewish conspiracy. Wasn't Copernicus a Catholic monk???

  3. Copernicus was a very devout Catholic in good standing with his church. The church, however, did not agree with his views on the center of things.
    The Catholics did not view it as any sort of conspiracy by Jews or anyone else.
    They simply thought that Copernicus left God out of the equation and that was their problem with it.
    They believed that since God created man on the earth and that the bible centered on earth doings, that this meant that earth was a focal point.

    This Warren chisholm fellow is all out there on his own. His religious views are not those of any denomination just his own imagination.
