Icy Day

Friday, March 16, 2007

Oh wow, its snowing and sleeting after the nice mild weather of the past few days.
I can hear the ice hitting against the sides of the house and the trees are bending over so far in the wind, which is howling outside.
I put a fire in the fireplace to warm the cottage up a bit. It's really very chilly.
I have some cooking left to do for the weekend, but I am sitting here blogging and sipping hot tea and trying to warm up.
Sometimes you get that chill that just doesn't want to leave you. Even bundled up in a warm sweater and with the tea I feel chilly.
My poor dog does not do well in this weather. She is old now, and finds the weather effects her arthritis badly. I have to help her up and help her walk. She waits for me and we walk together. Her old bones just creak.
I give her those pills to help the joints repair and ester c helps stop pain for dogs with arthritis and she sleeps on an old crib mattress covered in a toasty warm blanket. Floors are just too cold for her.

This is the dear old lady. Isn't she beautiful? Just proves that age doens't ruin a girl's looks!
Well, while she snoozes and I sip tea, I leave you all with a smile and hope your weekend goes well and your weather is always sunny.


  1. she is a dear creature

    it's sleeting here too, I went out and went slipping and sliding... stung by sleet in my face... what a mess

    just to think wednesday i was sweating walking through rhe brightness of the park

  2. Nice animal! What kind of dog is that? She looks very tame and gentle.

    I had a creature of similar color and appearance, a male in fact. He weighed 1000 pounds, loved honey, and ate 30 salmon a day in the fall before he went off to sleep all winter.

  3. LOL Shygetz,
    She is half Black Labrador Retriever. She is very gentle and loving.
    She is also very crippled now as she is elderly.
    But I make her comfortable and she is a dear friend to have around.
    She also likes salmon by the way..
    and so do I.
    I just don't weight 1000 lbs.

  4. :) I was going to guess that she has either Retriever or Newfoundland bloodlines! I almost did mistake a Newfoundland for a bear once :). How big is she? 11 years ago in Moscow I almost purchased a giant Caucasian Shepherd puppy who clearly wanted to come home with me, but when I realized the amateur breeder who was selling him was clearly an alcoholic I withstood temptation as I did not trust his assertions that the puppy was not a product of irresponsible breeding.

    When Moshiach comes will our pets also live forever? I can see from her eyes that she is aging.

  5. yes, she has what the Vet calls "old dog eyes" and she sniffs me to see who I am and has gotten jumpy.
    She is 13 years old.
    She came home to us via a local grocery where some kids had puppies in a basket giving them away to people.
    I am a sucker for furry faces.
    She is down to 40 lbs or so but has been up to 50. She is somewhat smaller than a full Lab since she has some kind of spaniel in her too.. I think cocker spaniel cuz her hair on her ears and legs is wavy like theirs is. But she has the glossy black coat of the Lab and used to love swimming in the bay and going to retrieve swans much much larger than herself.
    Of course she never got one!! BH they could have beat her up LOL.

  6. :) I thought she was closer to 100 pounds - somehow I get the Labrador confused with larger breeds even not taking the spaniel into account. 40-50 is a nice sized dog; I wonder what I would have dealt with had I actually gone ahead and bought that puppy in Moscow - his daddy weighed at least 180 pounds!

  7. Well.. if she was a full breed Lab she would be closer to 70-80 or so I believe.
    She is a medium lady because she is part cocker spaniel..so gives her the petite edge
