Monday, April 30, 2007

Its a gorgeous day! There is a sweet , warm breeze blowing , the sun is shining, birds are everywhere and singing their dear songs, leaves are bursting out, Lilacs are about to join the Forsythias in bloom and over all its just wonderful.
The fish in the pond are even merry as the glide around gracefully in the crystal clear water (yup UV filter works wonders!) The matriarch is over 14 inches long now and oversees her domain with a certain genteel manner. Her long veil tail and fins look angelic in the water.
I need new water lilies. I had to remove the old cat tails. They simply became overwhelming and at 15 ft tall and in a huge planter that took 2 big men to lug out for me.. I think it was high time. Tall water grasses are very invasive and will take over after a while, leaving their pots and roots expanding over the side searching for nutrients and sand to root in.
I want lots of parrot feather this year, some exotic lilies too.. day and night bloomers I think.
The front pond needs a water change before fish are introduced ..just a few from the large pond and then water lilies in blues and whites and tons of parrot feather to give a graceful look.

(photo: Parrot feather in small pond.)

I still need to plant plenty of moss around its edges too. This pond is raised unlike the other one which is in the ground and natural looking.

If you don't have room for a pond outside, put one inside the house.
You can make a small one from a planter and just a small pump to aerate the water.
You can put a waterlily in it and some fish if you like.
The sound of the water is good for the soul and the ions from the water are good for depression and health!

You can also make a small "spring". Simply get a plastic bucket..not too deep, a tiny pond pump.. they cost around 10-15 dollars.. some wide metal meshing called hardware cloth and you have the makings.

bury the bucket in the ground. now place the small pump inside .. it should come with a long tube so that the water can splash above the little "spring".
place it in the bottom, use a flat rock to elevate it if you need to. now fill it with water.
now take the metal mesh and place it over the top of the bucket which is buried in the ground. You will have to make a hole in it for a short piece of the tube to poke through a little.
Now, cover the mesh with small pebbles and rock in a pretty fashion..and make it look as if its part of the landscape. Now when you turn on your *spring* it will look as if water is bubbling up out of the ground. The water will bubble up, and splash down thru the stones and mesh into the bucket to be recycled up again.

Here is a version.. this one has a large fountaining effect..but you can adjust the flow so its not so huge. If its a simple little bubbling effect birds and small animals will come to drink and you will love watching them.

Til next time I leave you with a smile.


  1. it must be really lovely to have ponds like that and things living and growing on them... life at hand

  2. If they make people smile and feel happy that's my goal!
