It's Raining , It's Pouring

Friday, April 27, 2007

It absolutely poured down rain very early this morning. You know, that kind of really loud rain that thunders down on everything? Wow, what a storm.
I have seen worse by far.
In 1991 we went through the "Perfect Storm" of movie fame. Of course,we didn't know that at the time, just that it was a very bad nor'easter. Half the island here was torn off , beaches erroded badly and people had a lot of flood damage at that time. My little cottage was spared any damage , Thank God. He watches over me and I thank him for that.

It's a perfect day for hot tea though and somehow having a cup of hot tea is more soothing than so many other things. There is something nice about cuddling up on a very dark , rainy day with Agatha Christie and hot tea...... Well, its Friday and not one of the reading days. I have to prepare for tomorrow. I am making a nice beef stew which will simmer all night in the crock pot and be tender and luscious tomorrow! Since tomorrow will also be rainy I think the stew will be perfect too.

This little animation is what I would rather be doing today. But.. its not to be what with the weather.
My back is giving me problems lately so tending my little garden and my ponds is out of the question also. I could barely walk this morning. As it is I am sitting here with heat on my back while I write. I hope this spell clears up quickly it's draining when it goes on so long. I had trouble getting out of bed and sitting in my chair here was not easy. The heat seems to be helping though.
I will have to write about my ponds and post some photos once I get going again.
Have a good day, stay dry and til next time I leave you with a smile.


  1. rain, rain go away so you can garden today :)

    and with the sunshine, may there be relief to your back too
