Rainy Day Contemplation

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April Showers bring May flowers and its been raining off and on for hours and there are indeed signs of flowers.
My forsythia is in bloom. Of course its a twig which I just planted last year and not much of a bush yet, but the Lilacs a friend gave me a few years back are ready to burst anytime now. Daffodils and some hyacinths are open too.
The little pond is coming along nicely. Its a nice size 5 ft by perhaps 4 across. Not the huge size of the original one but its a nice centerpiece for my little yard(which isnt so little). Its centered in a surround of building rocks so that its raised and I am planting around the filled in sides. My goal is a Japanese sort of look with a lot of moss and low spreading junipers.
I don't have my mothers green thumb really. I have photos of homes of her family members with hillsides covered in mountain pinks.. breathtaking!
Her father was a prize winning gardner also.

Today I am contemplating Lemon Lime Moon my mouthy blog. Originally it was a clean lined 2 columned blog using a wonderful template by Caz (whose template designs are the finest you could hope for. I maintain it to this day in that form under another name and am wondering if it would be nice to go back to that simple design. Lately I have used my own paintings as mastheads on Lemon. And for a long time now its been 3 columns but, I often wonder if the 3 column look can't get too circusy after a while, especially if you load up the sides with frou frou.
I intend to keep this blog as simple as I can.
This one is mainly for me to think things outloud and share a bit sometimes too.

I suppose the title is pretentious... contemplation should be of a more lofty sort,but, alas, its all I could come up with today.

I need to keep up this blog more.
See you again.

1 comment:

  1. contemplation is any place your thoughts go, whatever weight they carry, whether of the mountain or the wind

    and considering your work, I'd say you have a definite green thumb too
