Homage to the Beach

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Here are more of my miniature paintings that I use on Lemon for mastheads.
They are always undergoing change and completion. I hope you like them.
You can click on them to enlarge them.
I titled this one "Beach Roses..Storm Rising" after the wild roses that grow by the beach.

This second one is entitled "The Cape". It also has another version without the title and is undergoing change at the moment.

I love doing these more than I can say. I like to paint what is around me. The sugary white sands, the roses, the grasses that blow in the dunes, are peaceful and lovely and generate a calm and warmth of beauty. I don't know that I capture that at all, I am a mediocre painter at best, but I do love trying.
Until next time, I leave you with a smile.


  1. you do capture it and these particular latest beach pictures are gentle and lovely at the same time

    they seem so wonderful that they must be better than what really is

  2. What really is , is far nicer.
    With real you get the salty scent and the cry of the gulls and the sound of the surf

  3. well when you play the sounds of the sea... I can hear them too :)

    and even sometimes when you don't...
