Sleepless Night

Sunday, May 13, 2007

(this is not my sukkah.. but is very similar to how my wisteria is growing. )
Last night was an odd night for me. I have chronic pain which sometimes keeps me up very late. Last night was unusual though as I was just uncomfortable in every way . I could not place why, but, just not able to sleep.
It began to rain about 4 in the morning and I opened my window to hear it better.
It was falling lightly and tapping lightly on the Rhodedendrun and Lilac bushes and apple trees. I could hear it plunking into the pond out front too and a frog croaking softly.

(photo right=Prairie fire Crab Apple)
From out back the smell of Wisteria which has engulfed the sukkah and the flowering Scotch Broom wafted inside the house to join with the Lilacs and apple blossoms out front. (photobelow:Scotch Broom)

I could hear fish leaping to catch bugs in mid air.

I hated that I could not sleep. I think I had too many thoughts and considerations on my mind but, when I woke up late this morning I felt ok and I thought that maybe its good that I didnt sleep so I could hear those sounds and smell those fragrances.
That's the bright side .
The down side is a missed night's sleep really and too many thoughts to sort out in the mind.
Nothing got worked out, by the way, except that I would post about the pretty smells and sounds.

Until next time I leave you with a smile and hope your sleep is sweet.


  1. I'm sorry you were in pain last night but glad Hashem set out beautiful things blossoming and growing for you to see and smell as a comfort during the time

  2. smiles

    pretty place

    try willow bark for pain maybe?

  3. So that's what Scotch Broom looks like! Cool!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Lemon. This is the first time I visited this blog. The header is incredibly beautiful.

    I am sorry you weren't feeling well and suffering insomnia. Are you feeling any better now?

    I am glad you are surrounded by beautiful things where you live, and that you share them :) Thank you.

  6. Welcome Keli!!!!
    I have fibromyalgia so the pain is usual for me.
    But, the flowers and water are a pleasure that I really need.
