Fourth of July

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Blogger has been broken for a bit.. so no posts for a while but it seems to allow me to post once again.
Yesterday was a difficult day,and the yahrtzeit(memorial of death) of the bonnie wee girl...
Today is the 4th of July, independence day and we are glad for the freedoms that we have. The day is damped down for me because of past history but, I am proud to be American and grateful to live in the USA.
There were fireworks last night, a huge display after a nice concert, and there are more tonight.
There is a place on the bay where you can go and see 6 towns at once. It is in the distance but still nice.
I am still not sure what my friends and I will do. It's a bit iffy for an outting and we avoid the beaches in summer because of the tourists . The traffic is just not nice, the bathing suits are somewhat yukky (hehehehe) and we just go beginning in September when they all go home. We also have private places they don't know about which is nice too.
I don't swim anymore like I used to . On a very hot day I will go to the creeks and sit in water. I don't use bathing suits, I just go in whatever I am wearing and I am a happy clam Its been that way since I was little.
I have made a few new minature paintings .. I work on one in particular, I dabble on others and I keep working on old ones to better them. They are used on Lemon Lime Moon and you can see them there. Sometimes I will post them here too.
These little blogs help me keep a record of what is going on in life and I am grateful for them.
Til next time, peace.


  1. as fireworks come through the rain, sometimes joy can come through sorrow

    out at brighton beach, the suits are way way worse, trust me (ugh)

    your paintings are lovely and the fireworks display you made for the 4th on lemon is wonderful

  2. I love the fireworks header on Lemon Lime Moon. Maybe you can keep it up all summer...those colors and stars brighten my day.

    May Hashem give you beauty for ashes.

  3. I will remember your little one next year at this time as well, and be sure to keep you in my prayers.

  4. Ditto on the fireworks header! That is my new favourite! :]

  5. Thanks guys :)

    I will have to adapt that masthead to the new Lemon format.
    I made a new template and it has taken me a few days to draw the backgrounds, etc.
    Now the headers need to be readapted to fit.
    I am glad you like it :)

  6. We are so grateful to be counted as friends to such a multi-talented,genuinely nice person.You are so dear to us and make us the best we can be when in your presence.G-d love you...we do !!
