More Mastheads in the Works

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It snowed a bit this morning but nothing to write home about and it is drizzling cold rain right now. Freezing will be a yukky problem.

If you have face book you might wish to close up the holes in it using this tutorial from Wiki which is quick and easy to follow. I do not have it, but if I did I would certainly use this quick fix to prevent a loss of privacy. HERE is the link.

I have begun a new series of paintings that I minaturize for my blog. This one is called clouds and I kind of love to draw clouds.

This one is called Snow Fall and of course once again its my familiar theme of the back bay.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hope you like them. Maybe they are a bit boring for some since they are a recurring theme.


  1. I love the clouds!!! There's no such thing as boring clouds or the sea or birds. :]

  2. These are very old and not that good either. But well something to post LOL.
